Monday, March 17, 2008


Ok, my last post was pathetic. What I need is to grow some fucking balls (like spike lee) and do something about my life. First thing I need to do is to construct a business plan for a little project of mine. I think keeping busy and using all this ‘idle time’ I have now to build something will lift me out of this mild mild depression (I was looking for another word, cause I find the word depression so dramatic, nothing else sufficed).

It’s also time to devote more energy to my favourite pass time, fashion and the desire for luxury goods. Beautiful Bottega, Delicious Dolce, Luscious Louis, Boastful Balenciaga, not to forget Covetable Chanel (you like what I did there? J) Time for me to resubsrcibe to Vogue.


Basically, it’s time to take to snap out of this slump.

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